Manager: Jennifer Perier, Johansen HS
Manager: Jennifer Perier, Johansen HS
Here is a list of all the links you need (check your emails for more details)
1. Sign up your school by Dec 9 https://forms.gle/SgQdAnD7RP6udatR7
2. Teachers: The Music list is here. (pay attention to voicing when ordering) jwpepper.com/share-folder/qxRVNwEPxQ
3. Optional student contract (edit as needed): Print and sign. Give to your teacher. Or teachers will pass out forms.
4. Practice Tracks - see your teacher. They will probably post them on your Schoology or other Learning Platform.
5. Optional practice tool AMAZING SLOW DOWNER
$ https://www.ronimusic.com/slowdown.htm
Free https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=310204778&mt=8
Let me know if you have any questions
Jennifer Perier - [email protected]
1. Sign up your school by Dec 9 https://forms.gle/SgQdAnD7RP6udatR7
2. Teachers: The Music list is here. (pay attention to voicing when ordering) jwpepper.com/share-folder/qxRVNwEPxQ
3. Optional student contract (edit as needed): Print and sign. Give to your teacher. Or teachers will pass out forms.
4. Practice Tracks - see your teacher. They will probably post them on your Schoology or other Learning Platform.
5. Optional practice tool AMAZING SLOW DOWNER
$ https://www.ronimusic.com/slowdown.htm
Free https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=310204778&mt=8
Let me know if you have any questions
Jennifer Perier - [email protected]